Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Avocado Coffee Smoothie

The last couple days I've been trying to use up avocados. We always get them in a bag a five, which means they're all ready at the same time. I absolutely love avocados: I normally eat them with a spoon, salted. It's definitely one of the things I miss about Uganda. Our neighbor had an avocado tree that hung over our fence, and giant avocados were only 20 cents at the market. I had at least one, if not two, every day.

In the interest of trying new foods, I wanted to use the avocados in a way I normally don't. I decided to try out a recipe from The Asian Vegan Kitchen, titled Avocado Espresso Shake. I altered it a bit, and that sort of stuff I'm really bad at measuring...

Avocado Coffee Smoothie
1 avocado
Ice (probably 1/3 of a cup)
Soy milk (probably 1/2 a cup)
Vanilla stevia (a couple drops)
Coffee (about 1/4 of a cup)

I blended it all up in my Magic Bullet. I love that thing! Coffee and avocado may seem like an odd combination, but I promise it's delicious. I used brewed coffee, because my brother had just made some. I'm sure instant coffee would be good, and I think cocoa would be too. I may try that tomorrow!

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