Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Getting ahead of myself: Christmas baking

So I may be getting a little ahead of myself...this blog is supposed to document a journey beginning in January. But now that classes are done for the semester I actually have time, and what better to do with my time than to cook? I absolutely love the holiday season. Fresh baking. Friends and family. What more could you want?

I started off my Christmas baking with Cherry Almond Cookies, from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. I love the bite of the cherries. Using a good dried cherry here really helps. I've made these little jems before, so it's not all that adventurous. Still delicious!

Next up, vegan butter tarts! I have fond memories of my Nana baking dozens upon dozens of butter tarts for us grandchildren. I've really missed them. I used this recipe, from Vegan Dad. I cannot say thank you enough!! I used pre-made shells, a bit lame, I know. My mom had a box in the freezer that needed to be used up which, miraculously, were vegan. When you're cooking for three teenage boys, sometimes easiest is the best option.

I'm so stoked for Christmas! My cousin and my brother put the Christmas tree up this afternoon. We're a little slow this year... Mom is downstairs sewing stockings for my two cousins, who moved in with us this spring. Mom made us stockings years ago, and felt bad buying store ones for them. Poor dog - his stocking isn't hand made!

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