Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Artistic Attempts

Well, this certainly isn't food related. But I think one of the important components of veganism is remembering we are all connected to everything and everyone on this planet. This post is about being connected to our fellow humans. :)

 A friend I haven't talked to in ages had a great idea. She sent anyone who asked a personalized, hand made Christmas card. Included in the envelope was a stamp. The other half of the deal was that we had to create something - anything- on a normal sheet of computer paper and send it back to her. Well, I cheated and used heavy linen paper, but it's the right size! I haven't done much (really any) painting before and have been inspired to do so lately, so this was perfect! My brother let me use his acrylics so I gave 'er a go. I painted a mushroom cloud because she has one in the background of her Facebook picture. I did it in the style of Roy Lichtenstein: primary colors, sharp contrasting images, and use of words. I'm fairly happy with it, all things considered. I am going to mail it to her tomorrow!

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