Saturday, January 1, 2011

Chickpea Pot Pie

So this is another recipe I took from Vegan Dad, though I didn't put any peas in it because Bestest doesn't like them. I also used Better than Bouillion No Chicken Base instead of the "chicken" broth powder. I love that stuff and have started using it in the wingz, too. I got mine at Planet Organic. I cooked this at Bestest's house and she helped with lots of it. She's a very picky eater, which is a lot of why we are trying this challenge: to force her to break out of her comfort zone and make friends with new (non-processed) foods. She normally wouldn't go near onions or chickpeas and she ate both in this dish! I'm like a proud Mama.

The recipe made two of those loaf pan like dishes, so Bestest, her partner and I had one for dinner and we put the second one in the freezer for a day they don't feel like cooking. That's something I'm hoping to do before the term starts: cook lots of stuff I can freeze or can so that I have food on lazy and/or super busy days. So far I have sticky rice, steamed buns, and a little canned chili and split pea soup still left from this fall. Before the term starts I'd like to make a couple frozen pizzas and can some lentil soup.

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